Hello my lovelies! I am finally back. Unfortunately lately I've been quite sick and if you follow me on facebook you porbably already know that that is a reason why have been absent. As for today I've prepared review of one of my favorite cologne. I've never done a review on parfume/cologne so I hope I did well. Enjoy!
As a HUGE fan of blushes I always love to try some new ones. If there is one thing I just can resist from makeup it's probably blushes. One of the blushes I really wanted to try are Essence Silky touch ones. I haven't read much about them ever before but i swatched them at drugstore, liked them, so I though: why not! The shade I am going to talk about today is 20 babydoll.
Several weeks ago I written about my favourite blogs. In this post it's gonna be all about my favourite Instagram accounts. If you know me well than you know that I am Instagram junkie (btw you can follow me @slt_lara), I just love Instagram and find it really inspiring and fun. There is soo much amazing and interesting accounts around Instagram wroth of attention so here is my list of amazing Instagram accounts worth of checking out.
U zadnje vrijeme sam bila u nekoj fazi gdje sam više kupovala preparativu. Isprobala sam neke nove stvari, a i otkrila neke nove. Jedan od tih proizvoda koji sam isprobala za vrijeme te moje preparativne faze je i CV young cleansing foam. Čula sam za ovu umivalicu prije nekoliko mjeseci, a kako su recenzije bile većinom pozitivne i meni je ponestalo moje dnevne umivalice odlučila sam joj pružiti priliku. Evo kako mi se svidjela.
Basic info:
- price: ~$2,50
- amount: 150 ml
- avalible: at Muller drugstores
- expiring date: 12 months after opening product
To sum up I'd say it's a good and afordable facial wash for any skin type but it didn't do wonders to my skin. In my opinion it is good but nothing more than that. Would I recommend it? Sure, if you are looking for a gentle everyday facial wash and you don't expect wonders from it I would recommend it for you.
Osnovno o proizvodu:
- cijena: oko 16 kn
- količina: 150 ml
- dostupno: u Muller drogerijama
- potrebno potrošiti u roku od 12 mjeseci od otvaranja
Sve u svemu mogu reći da ovo jedna dobra pjena za umivanje za sve tipove kože. Nije napravila neka čuda na mojoj koži i po mom je mišljenju dobra no ništa više od toga. Bi li ju preporučila? Svakako, ako tražite nježnu pjenu za umivanje za svaki dan i ne očekujete čuda od nje svakako bih vam je preporučila.
Koju umivalicu/pjenu za lice vi volite?
I don't know have I mentioned this or no but couple weeks ago I had a little colaboration with company called Beauty Sweeties. It's basically a company that produces healthy and delicious candies and chocolates that contain koenzim Q10, collagen, vitamin E, aloe vera extract and so on. They sent me three differente candies to try out and since I am I sweets lover and this are healthier options I tought why not! :)