
Use up 6 till Christmas Tag- Update #1

As you may know few weeks ago I joined ''Use up 6 till Christmas'' tag and today it is time for first update on how it's going with using up my products. I must mention that I stoped using one product because my skin didn't accept it very well. I started to get some acne and redness because of it, that product is Cien Facial tonic. I definitley didn't want my skin to get any more damaged. If you would like to read my previous post on this tag CLICK HERE. Now let's get on to update.

First product that I managed to use up even before Christmas is this Essence Get Big lashes triple black mascara. It's really good mascara for the price. It gives nice volume, pigmentation is also very good and lashes are definitley more defined. Only bad side of this mascara is it has bit of fallouts so don't be surprised if at the end of day you get back home with tiny black dots under your eyes.

Next we have amazing Balea Creme Ol Bodylotion wich I absolutley love. Amazing smell, amazing texture, there is a little less than half of tube in here so hopefully I will manage to use it up within next week or so.

Labello lip butter is just one of those products that is so hard to use up. I use it every single day for quite a long time and not even half of it is used up. Anyway, this lip product is one of my favorites in lipcare and I honestly recomend it for enyone with dry lipies.

One more product that is really hard to use up is this Balea handlotion. It smells amazing, it gives enough moisture to my hands and doesn't leave greasy feeling on skin. I'm about half way trought this bottle but I must admit it was quite hard to get to half cause it's truly a lot of product.

So here is last but not least- L'oreal 3in1 Micelar solution- my absolute love. My skin loves it so much. Not only does it remove every single bit of makeup from my face but it's also sensitive to my skin & eyes. It's almost empty. Recommending for sure!

So that would be it for my first update. I really enjoy doing this tag and highly hope this products are gonna be empty till Christmas. In comments you can leave me your ideas or wishes for next blog posts,what would you like te read next? Till next blog post, xoxo


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6 komentari

  1. Obožavam tu mazalicu za usne,ali se zaista jako sporo troši :D

  2. Joj, ja taj lip butter koristim ima već godina dana, i još je imam!!! Već mi je dojadila :D

  3. Ova balea krema je odlična. Stvarno predobro miriši. Nju sam kupila prošle godine u ljuti i jako dugo sam ju imala. Sada sam uzela takvu od maline. Odlične su :)

  4. I sama koristim Balein losion za ruke. Pumpica je odlična, a i losion se stvarno brzo upija. Definitivno jedna od praktičnijih krema.

  5. Balea losion pokušavan potrošit ima godinu dana O_O Prije misec dana san mislila da je uskoro gotov......nisan bila u pravu AHAHAHAH :D


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