
Balea mango & aloe vera extract hair milk- REVIEW


Last post which was related to hair care was review on SYOSS Oleo intense hair conditioner (click to read review) which really impressed me and my hair really likes it. Today I will also write review on one hair care product that is lately an essential in my hair care routine. By the title of this post you can tell it's about Balea hair milk with mango  and aloe vera extract.


Basic info about product:

  • Price: 15 kn ($3)
  • Amount: 200 ml
  • Avalible: at Dm drugstores

What does Balea say?
Balea moisturizing milk for dry and damaged hair. With extract of mango and aloe vera. It hydrates, nourishes, restores shine, protects from heat and makes it easier detangling. Instructions for use: after washing evenly massaged onto wet hair. Do not rinse off!

I do not know why but it seems to me as if I am spending it too quickly, probably because I love it very much and I often use it. Anyway price is very affordable so it is not a problem. The first thing that I definitely liked very much about this product is smell. It smells just wonderful and I wish that smell could stay a bit longer in hair. It doesn't stay in hair for longer than about 30 minutes (or even less). Besides smell second best thing is pump. Pump is very convenient and it is very easy to dose the product and get desired amount. To me for one use is enough one pump of product and I have thick hair. Before I cuted my hair recently, I had quite long hair (to the bottom) and I needed two grips of product. It all depends on how long/thick your hair is. The way I apply/use is like this: after you take off the towel from your wet hair, comb it and apply this milk on your hair avoiding the scalp (cause your hair would get greasy faster) and again with your fingers or a brush/comb comb through your hair. It does not leave heavy feeling on the hair and the texture is quite light. At very beginning of this post you could read what does this product promise, but does it really do what it promises? Well... about detangling I can definitely say it works. After I use it my hair is so much easier to detangle, it's also very soft, smooth and has that nice healthy glow. The only thing I am not 100% sure does it really do is heat protecting. When I used it as heat protectant I couldn't see any better or worse changes but as for everything else it really does what it promises!

Buy it or not to? Definitely buy it. It's quite affordable and is so worth of trying out, I absolutely have no regrets for trying it because I love it. Currently I am halfway through this bottle and after it's finished I'm probably gonna purchase it again. As you could conclude it form this review I have pretty much no objections on this product besides smell is not longer lasting but to me it doesn't matter at all.


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13 komentari

  1. Nekad davno sam imala ovo mlijeko, nekako se ne sjecam da mi je ista pametno radilo osim sto je lijepo mirisalo :/

  2. Nisam koristila mlijeko za kosu, ali svakako ću ga isprobati.
    Odlična recenzija. :)

    1. Hvala, nadam se da će ti se svidjeti, javi dojmove! :)

  3. Mlijeko još nisam koristila pa tako ni ovo. Inače volim Balea stvarčice, a budući da uvijek tražim nešto novo za kosu, mogla bih dati i ovome priliku, pogotovo ako je dobro za raščešljavanje. Inače, kosa mi je kovrčava i petlja se brutalno, pa ju ni ne češljam često baš zbog toga. Sigurno nisam sad već tri tjedna ju počešljala :D

    1. Ja imam gustu kosu koja je prirodno blago valovita, ali što se tiče raščešljavanja nakon pranja kose to mi je uvijek bio problem jer bi mi se kosa petljala dok je mokra, a sa ovim mi se mlijekom to puno olakšalo :)

  4. Ja to upravo imam,meni se isto jako dopada,i prije sam citala recenzije o tome pa sam mu dala priliku,no pokazalo se odlicno,a sto se tice trosenja ja svoj imam vise od 3 mj i ide mi jako sporo haha :P

  5. hmm..iskreno, ovo mi se nije bas svidjelo..mnogo bolja mi je bila kura od kokosa i cvijeta tiare, ali sada ju je zamijenila kura od crvene narance koja ima skoro pa isti ucinak na kosu, iako mi se miris bas i ne svida.. bas mi je zao sto vise nema od kokosa :(((

    1. Nažalost nisam probala tu kuru iako sam čitala pohvale na njen račun, žao mi je što ti ovo mlijeko nije pasalo moguće je da je do tipa kose, nekome odgovara nekome ne :)

  6. Ovo je definitivno Balea proizvod kojem sam najduže vjerna. Probala sam i skuplje varijante ali nisam primjetila neke velike razlike u odnosu na Baleu tako da joj se svaki put vraćam. :-)

  7. Svakako cu isprobati ovo mlijeko, sviđa mi se !

  8. imala sam ovo mlijeko i bilo mi je pre pre odlično :D
    kosa je bila divno mekana i mirisala je :D

  9. Ovo mlijeko je odlicno. Imam i Macadamia leave in kremu i ni briblizno mi nije dobra kao ovo mlijeko.


Razmijenimo mišljenja, natipkaj mi komentar! 😊
