Nakon dugo vremena vraćam se jednoj od svojih omiljenih stvari- pisanju recenzija. U narednom periodu imam u planu objaviti dosta recenzija raznoraznih proizvoda, od onih koji su bili totalni promašaj do nekih odličnih, a biti će mjesta i za proizvode koje ste me tražili da recenziram. Danas pričamo o L'oreal Pure Clay glow maski za lice koja nije potpuno novi proizvod na našem tržištu no mislim da je i dalje jednako relevantna s obzirom da su maske na bazi gline ozbiljno uzele maha u kozmetičkoj industriji u posljednje vrijeme. Isprobala sam je kroz period od nekoliko mjeseci pa je prošlo dovoljno dugo da steknem solidan dojam.
The other day I wrote a preview of new essence products for 2019 and now it is time to show you all the wonderful new stuff from Catrice as well. You really seem to like this kind of blog posts and I enjoy asambeling them so much. From this launch I am mostly looking forward to palettes and lip products, they look very interesting indeed. Let me know which upcoming products do you like more- essence or catrice. Now I'll let you enjoy looking at all of the new beauties.
Hello lovely people, hope you are having an amazing day! Couple of days ago I asked you on my Instagram if you'd like to see an article featuring all of the new upcoming Essence Cosmetics products for first part of 2019. A lot of you (100% to be exact) said yes so here it is- 2019 Essence update. There is a lot of amazing products coming out and a bunch of them are already on my wishlist. Let me know which products are you looking forward to the most.
Happy New year
everyone! Hope you all are feeling well and had a nice homecoming. I still
can't wrap my had around the fact that 2019 is already here. It feels like it
was only a couple of weeks ago that we were counting down to enter 2018. Now,
what better way to start of this year blogvise than making a recap of all of
the great beauty products I discovered in the past 365 days. All of the
products mentioned are things that were very loved in my beauty corner so I
hope you will try some of them and enjoy them as well.