
L'oreal Pure Clay Glow Mask - REVIEW


Nakon dugo vremena vraćam se jednoj od svojih omiljenih stvari- pisanju recenzija. U narednom periodu imam u planu objaviti dosta recenzija raznoraznih proizvoda, od onih koji su bili totalni promašaj do nekih odličnih, a biti će mjesta i za proizvode  koje ste me tražili da recenziram. Danas pričamo o L'oreal Pure Clay glow maski za lice koja nije potpuno novi proizvod na našem tržištu no mislim da je i dalje jednako relevantna s obzirom da su maske na bazi gline ozbiljno uzele maha u kozmetičkoj industriji u posljednje vrijeme. Isprobala sam je kroz period od nekoliko mjeseci pa je prošlo dovoljno dugo da steknem solidan dojam.  
After a long time I am getting back to one of my favorite things- writing reviews. There is many reviews in plan for the next couple of weeks and there will truly be everyting from products that were total fail to some great ones and of course reviews that you asked for. Today we are going to talk a bit more about L'oreal Pure Clay Glow face mask which is not that new in drugstores but I feel like it's still quite relevant since clay based face masks are still pretty big in beauty industry. I've tested it out throught the period of several months which was more than enought time to see what I really make of it.

Osnovno o proizvodu:
  • Cijena: 59.90 kn
  • Količina: 50 ml
  • Gdje kupiti: Muller, Dm i Bipa drogerije
Moj tip kože: mješovita koža

Riječ brenda: ,,Transform Skin in Just 10 Minutes with this 3 Pure Clays and Charcoal Mask for Dull and Tired-looking Skin. L’Oréal Paris Skin Experts have created a super-charged Pure-Clay face mask with the power and benefits of Charcoal to detoxify and illuminate your skin in just 10 minutes. Our indulgent and powerful face mask formula provides a luxurious experience while potent pure clays and charcoal act like a magnet to clean out pores and draw-out and capture deep impurities (such as dirt, oil, and pollution). This creamy, non-drying charcoal mask leaves skin feeling clean, velvety, and rebalanced, addressing your dull, tired skin to reveal a purified, even, and radiant complexion. Immediately, skin looks brighter with a healthy glow. Our charcoal mask provides deep pore cleansing–dirt, dust and pollution are removed from skin. Skin’s complexion looks fresher and more even. Use After Use, skin is clean as if detoxified. Skin feels as though it can breathe better.''


Maska dolazi u pakiranju zeleno-bijelo-sive kombinacije boja. Unutar katronske kutijice nalazi se staklena teglica sa proizvodom. Teglica ima svoju težinu i ne djeluje nimalo jeftino, jako je lijepo napravljena od poklopca pa sve do plastične zaštite ispod poklopca na samom otvoru teglice. Sve u svemu ambalaža je napravljena jako kvalitetno i od mene dobiva sve pohvale.

Tekstura  i miris

Maska je kremaste teksture i rekla bih definitivno više na gušćoj strani. Bez obzira na to jako se lijepo nanosi na lice uz pomoć kista. Ja za nanošenje koristim Alicia de Silva ravni kist iz od sintetičke dlake kojeg sam kupila u Mulleru. On odlično funkcionira u ovu svrhu. S obzirom da se ovdje ipak radi o maski na bazi gline za očekivati je da će i miris biti nešto drugačiji. Miris je specifičan no ne loš, dapače, miriše na glinu, ali je taj miris ublažen i uopće nije prejak. Doista je teško opisati kako miriši no ako moram upotrijebiti tri riječi to bi bile- glinasto, puderasto i svježe. Meni miris odgovara, vjerujem da se samo treba priviknuti na njega.


Pure clay glow maska obećava očistiti nečistoće sa kože te joj vratiti zdravi sjaj. Sadrži tri vrste gline te aktivni ugljen. Kao što sam spomenula ranije ja je nanosim ravnim kistom od sintetičke dlake te je na koži držim 10-ak minuta kako je preporučeno. Nakon toga je sa lica isperem mlakom vodom. Čim je nanesete kroz minutu-dvije osjetiti ćete kako se počinje sušiti i lagano zatezati kožu. Biti će vam malo neobično (čitaj: nemoguće) raditi bilo kakve ekspresije, ali je i strašno zanimljivo promatrati kako funkcionira i što radi koži. Moram priznati da sam ugodno iznenađena s time koliko ju je moja koža zavoljela. Pokupi višak sebuma, ali ne isuši kožu do te mjere da ona postane potpuno suha ili beživotna. Ovo je jedna od stvari koja me u principu najviše iznenadila jer sam očekivala da će mi, baš zbog gline, potpuno isušiti kožu pa ću je poslije morati nahraniti sa par slojeva hidratantnih proizvoda da je vratim u normalu. To se nije dogodilo. Masnije dijelove lica (T-zonu) mi učini normalnim, a normalnu kožu obraza mi ne isuši dodatno što je za svaku pohvalu. Lice je čisto, glatko i svježe. Ne bih rekla da daje nekakav poseban glow koži već je samo lijepo očisti pa ona automatski izgleda zdravije. Nakon skidanja maske i dalje je prisutan osjećaj zatezanja, ali on brzo nestane kada nanesem hidratantnu kremu ili serum pa mi ne smeta previše. Bez obzira na to što je na pakiranju navedeno da je pogodna za sve tipove kože ja je ipak ne bi preporučila osobama sa suhim tipom jer bi im vrlo vjerojatno mogla biti preisušujuća. Zapravo je idealna za osobe sa mješovitom i masnom kožom. Nije mi izazvala nikakve neugodne/alergijske reakcije ili iritacije.

Sve u svemu L'oreal Pure Clay glow maska na mene je ostavila jako pozitivan dojam. Lijepo mi očisti kožu od nečistoća, osvježi je i nekako vrati u život baš kada joj to treba. Mislim da su sve komponente ovog proizvoda odlično odrađene od pakiranja pa do samog učinka jedini minus i razlog zbog kojeg je (bar u dogledno vrijeme) neću kupiti ponovo jest da nije cruelty free što mi je uvijek najveća zamjerka na L'orealove proizvode. Probati ću naći neku cruelty free alternativu no do tada ima još jako puno maski koje čekaju na red za isprobavanje.


Basic info:
  • Price: $12.99
  • Amount: 1.7 oz
  • Where to buy: drugstores

My skin type: combinationed skin

Brand words: ,,Transform Skin in Just 10 Minutes with this 3 Pure Clays and Charcoal Mask for Dull and Tired-looking Skin. L’Oréal Paris Skin Experts have created a super-charged Pure-Clay face mask with the power and benefits of Charcoal to detoxify and illuminate your skin in just 10 minutes. Our indulgent and powerful face mask formula provides a luxurious experience while potent pure clays and charcoal act like a magnet to clean out pores and draw-out and capture deep impurities (such as dirt, oil, and pollution). This creamy, non-drying charcoal mask leaves skin feeling clean, velvety, and rebalanced, addressing your dull, tired skin to reveal a purified, even, and radiant complexion. Immediately, skin looks brighter with a healthy glow. Our charcoal mask provides deep pore cleansing–dirt, dust and pollution are removed from skin. Skin’s complexion looks fresher and more even. Use After Use, skin is clean as if detoxified. Skin feels as though it can breathe better.''


Mask comes in a green-white-grey combination of color packaging. Inside the box there is a glass jar with the product. Jar has a very nice feel to it, it doesn't feel cheap or bad quality in any way. It's nicely done from cap  all the way to plastic protector on top of the jar opening. Overall the packaging was done really well and has the biggest plus from me.

Texture and smell

Texture is creamy and definitely more on a thicker side. Regardless of that it applies very smoothly with a brush. For applying I use thin Alicia de Silva brush with synthetic fiber which works very well for this purpose. Since this is a clay based product you have to expect the smell to be a bit different. It is definitely different but not in a bad way. It does smell a little bit of clay but that smell is kind of toned down so it's not overwhelming. It's quite hard to explain how it smells but if i'd have to use only three words it would be- clay, powdery and fresh. I like the smell it just takes a little bit of getting use to.

How it worked for me

Pure clay glow mask promises to remove all impurities and give glow to the skin. It contains three types of clay and active charcoal. As I mentioned previously I apply it with synthetic fiber brush and leave it on for 10 minutes as suggested. After that I just rinse it of with some warm water. About 1-2 minutes after applying you will feel it dry and as that happens skin feels very tight. You will find it almost impossible to make any facial expression but it's just so much fun watching how it works on the skin. I must admit I was pleasantly surprised to see how much my skin liked it. It removed excess sebum yet didn't completely dry out my skin to the point that it becomes dehydrated of lifeless. That's one of the things that I was the most surprised to see. I thought, due to the clay, it would dry out the skin to the point where I need to use several hydrating products afterwards in order to get my skin back to it's normal state. But that didn't happen. After using it oily parts of my face (T-zone) become normal and normal parts (cheeks) don't don't dry out additionally which is a big plus.  Face feels clean, smooth and fresh. I wouldn't say it gives any special glow it cleans well so skin automatically looks way healthier. After taking it off there is still a tightening feel left which disappears after I apply a moisturizer or serum of some sort so it doesn't really bother me. Regardless of the fact that on the packaging it says it's meant for all skin types I still wouldn't recommend it to people with dry skin since it will most likely be a bit to drying for them. In fact it's a perfect face mask for people with combinationed and oily skin type. It didn't cause me any uncomfortable/allergic reactions.

Overall L'oreal Pure Clay glow mask left me with a very positive opinion and I would definitely recommend it. It does a good job of cleaning skin and making it look healthy as well as getting it back to life. Every component of this product is done very well all the way from packaging to the actual effect it has on skin. However, the reason why I won't be repurchasing it any time soon is that it's not cruelty free. For me this is always the biggest down side to L'oreal products so I am currently looking for some alternative options. Till I find one there is still a lot face masks that are waiting for me to try them out.



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1 komentari

  1. I ja sam koristila ovu masku i slažem se s tobom da lijepo očisti lice i pokupi višak sebuma. Najčešće sam ju koristila na dijelovima lica sa proširenim porama dok sam na obrazima rađe stavljala neku hranjiviju masku. Jesi isprobala i ostale maske iz ove linije?


Razmijenimo mišljenja, natipkaj mi komentar! 😊
