Merry Christmas Eve everyone! Hope you all are doing well and are enjoying this Holidays. Even though I had a bunch of Holiday themed blog posts in mind I was so busy last few weeks studying and getting things done before I can finally relax, so this is unfortunately the only Holiday themed post this year. I know I am kind of late to the party with my wishlist but I am actually planning on using this post as a reminder/shopping list for next year. Hopefully, without adding anything more on it haha. Enjoy!
Recently I uploaded my skincare routine blog post and
one of the products i featured was Balea Grapefruit facial wash that I've been
testing for some time now. Since I already used up more than a half and tested
it really well I think it's prefect time to share my thoughts on it with you.
It's been quite a while
since I uploaded a Fashion Haul post. Mostly because I haven't been shopping
all that much or all at once so I waited for things to pile up a little. Know, when
I collected a decent amount of things to show you I am going to share with you
my finds for the past few months. Enjoy!
Lately I've been getting soo much compliments on my
skin and how smooth and clean it is. Hearing that quite often it inspired me to
make a post dedicated to my skincare routine (that's actually pretty simple as
you'll see) and sharing a very few of my skincare tips with you.
Ever since I started this series on my blog I had in
mind one designer in particular that I really wanted to write about and that
is- Zuhair Murad! Zuhair is one of my favorite designers of all times mostly
because his designs look like something I would totally design and wear myself.
I am sure a lot of you already heard of him before but no matter have you or
haven't you we are going to get to know him and his work a little better in
this post.
I never had a way to
celebrate Halloween. For me it's a day like any other. But, this year I've
decided to make a little twist and have a Halloween Movie Night in the comfort
of my home. This might even become my Halloween tradition, you never know, idea
is however totaly up my alley. That's why I teamed up with Casper to help you
guys create a perfect Halloween Movie Night yourself.
Everyone loves nice, soft and nurtured lips. Not only are they pleasent for eye but every product that comes on top of them looks 100 times better. Esspecially mat and liquid lipsticks. You have to take just a little bit of time out of your day for beautiful, nurtured lips and this post contains everything you need to know about lip care.
Hi everyone! I don't know about you but time has just flew by for me and I can't believe fall is already here. Since it's always a good idea to refresh the closet at the beggining of new season I've decided to share my whish/shopping list for this fall. There is a bunch of things on it so I hope I'll manage to cross at least a few of them off. :)
Hi everyone! For quite some time now Essence has a
range of brushes in their collection which are impossible not to notice because
of the super cute look and all the pastel colors. As a big makeup brushes
junike I just couldn't pass them so here is a little review on one of my
personal favorite brushes from the entire range.
Fall is just around the
corner which means it's perfect time to prepare our skin for colder weather.
Salt and sun might have left some damage on your skin and hair so it is perfect
time to revitalize them. Of course, we can't forget about our feet that need
the same amount of care. Having said that, we have to start by finding some
good products that will help us with taking care of them and today I present
you a product that has been a pretty big help for me and I like it from the
first day.
P.S.- there is a little
surprise waiting for you at the end of this post ;)
Uvijek je dobro posvetiti nešto vremena kvalitetnoj
njezi ruku. Ne samo da će vam ruke izgledati dobro već će i bilo koja manikura
izgleda stoput bolje na lijepo njegovanim rukama. Jedna od najvažnijih stavki u
njezi ruku je, naravno, hidratacija, a tu u pomoć priskaču kreme za ruke. Bez
obzira koliko ih još imam otvorenih ili onih koje pokušavam potrošiti, uvijek
naletim na neku zanimljivu i na kraju je i kupim. Jedna od tih krema nedavno
bila je Balea Urea krema koju sam htjela isprobati već jako dugo, ali uvijek bi
se našla neka prije nje pa nikako da dođe na red. Sada sam je napokon isprobala
i spremna sam sa vama podijeliti svoje mišljenje. Uživajte!
I don't know about you but I alwasy LOVED reading
''What's In My Bag'' blog posts and watching WIMB videos on youtube. I don't
know what it is about those posts/videos that I love so much. I guess I am just
way to curious haha. So for all of you that can relate to this problem of mine
here is my ''What's In my Bag'' backpack edition. I bought my backpack in Nama
and it was a little more than 300 kn in case you were wondering.
It's been a while since my last beauty new in so I
thought it was the time to collect all the goodies I bought/got in the past
month or so and finally wirte another new in post. There is a bunch of brands
and goodies here so let's get started.
Several months ago at Bipa I came across Look by Bipa
Peeling Pad. Immediately I couldn't resist not to buy it so I returned home
with this fun little pink thing. Had absolutely no expectations. How do I like
it you wonder? Just keep reading...
Hi! Can you believe another month is over? We are
already in Spetember and fall is just around the corner. As much as I am sad
that summer is coming to an end I am happy to be writing you about my August
favorites. So grab some grab some popcorn, get comfy and off we go.
Makeup sponges became such
a common tool for applying a foundation or a concelear in the past few years. Ever
since I first saw original Beauty Blender I was hoping some more affordable alternatives
would be avalible at drugstores. Today, drugstores are full of this fun beauty
tools and the real mission is finding the one that's the most similar or even
better than original (if that's even possible :D). I started that mission by
trying out my first ever makeup sponge- Body & Soul Makeup Sponge.
Another MTV VMAs are
behind us and now it's my favorite time, time to recap the entire night
including looks. There were some really good choices and some not as good ones
in my opinion but I am going to let you be the judge.
Oh, that fabulous red
soles! Irresistable, timeless and every womans shoe collection must-have. But
what is the story behind that worldwide popular red soles and the man who
created them? Well, let's find out!
Ah, ti famozni crveni
potplati! Neodoljivi, bezvremenski i must-have svake ženske kolekcije cipela.
Ali koja je priča iza ovih planetarno popularnih crvenih potplata i čovjeka
koji ih je stvorio? Saznajmo!
Believen or not Louboutin was
quite a rebelious teenager. At the age of 12 he had already moved twice out of
his parents' house and was also expelled from school three times. At the time he
started to express his love for design and shoes. He started sketching some
shoe designs but it wasn't until 1976 that he realized this is what he wants to
be doing. That year the entire idea sparked and, as he claims, that's when his
fascination with shoes began. In 1976 Louboutin visited the Musée national des
Arts d'Afrique et d'Océanie where he stumbled upon an African sign indicating
that women were not allowed to wear high heels in order not to ruin wooden
flooring. "I wanted to defy that, I wanted to create something that broke
rules and made women feel confident and empowered." Louboutin said. He was
further inspired by a book of Roger Vivier's designs who designed shoes for
Dior back in 1950's.
Vjerovali ili ne Louboutin
je bio prilično problematičan tinejdžer. Kao 12-ogodišnjak već se dva puta
odselio iz roditeljske kuće i bio izbačen iz škole čak tri puta. U to je
vrijeme počeo pokazivati sklonost prema dizajnu i cipelama. Počeo je stvarati
skice nekih cipela no tek je 1976. godine shvatio da je to ono čime se doista
želi baviti. To je godina kada je cijela ideja započela kao i, kako i sam
navodi, vrijeme kada je započela njegova fasciniranost cipelama. 1976. je naime
posjetio Musée national des Arts d'Afrique et d'Océanie gdje je nabasao na
afrički znak prema kojem je ženama bilo zabranjeno nositi potpetice kako nebi
uništile drvene podove. ,,Želio sam to poreći, želio sam stvoriti nešto što će
prekršiti pravila i ućiniti da se žene osjećaju samopouzdane i sposobne.'',
rekao je Louboutin. Kasnije ga je inspirirala knjiga Roger Vivierovih dizajna
koji je u 50-ima dizajnirao cipele za Dior.
His first job was at the
Folies Bergères cabaret where he did all sorts of jobs, assisted the
entertainers backstage for example. He also got to desing some of the dancers
shoes which was, at the time, a dream come true. He landed a job with Charles
Jourdan in the early 1980s. After that, Louboutin met Roger Vivier and became an apprentice in Vivier's atelier. For
a time he worked as a freelance desinger for some of the high couture brands such
as Chanel, Yves Saint Laurent and Maud Prizon. Louboutin took his carrer a step
further in the early 1990's by seting up his first ever shop. Louboutin had to
find a trademark that would be something significant for his shoes. And here
comes the story about that famous red soles. The story is actualy pretty
simple, his assistant was painting her nails with a red nail polish, he took a
look at her and decided to color he outer soles red. Louboutin keept the red
ever since because his customers really liked it. His first customer was,
believen or not- Princess Caroline of Monaco. On one occasion she complimented
Louboutins work in presence of a journalist and that was the moment he gained a
lot of public attention.
Njegov prvi posao bio je u
Folies Bergères kabaretu gdje je radio mnoge poslove kao npr pomagao
plesačicama iza pozornice. Također je dobio priliku dizajnirati neke od cipela
za zabavljače što mu je, tada, bilo ostvarenje snova. U ranim 80-ima je sklopio
posao sa Charles Jourdanom, a nakon toga je upoznao i Rogera Viviera te postao
šegrt u njegovom ateljeu. Neko vrijeme je honorarno radio za kuće visoke mode
poput Chanela, Yves Saint Laurenta i Maud Prizona. Louboutin je svoju karijeru
odveo korak naprijed kada je ranih 90-ih otvorio svoj prvi dućan. Morao je
pronaći pečat koji bi bio prepoznatljiv za njegove cipele. I sada dolazimo do
priče o crvenim potplatima koja je zapravo vrlo jednostavna. Njegova pomoćnica
je lakirala nokte crvenim lakom, bacio je pogled na nju i odlučio da će obojati
sve svoje potplate u crveno. Louboutin ih je ostavio crvene do dan danas jer se
njegovim mušterijama to jako svidjelo. Prva mušterija mu je, vjerovali ili ne,
bila princeza Caroline od Monaka. Jednom je prilikom pohvalila Louboutinov rad
u prisutstvu novinara i to je bio trenutak kada je privukao veliko zanimanje
His career has been growing
constantly ever since and now he is probably the most famous shoe designer in
the entire world with a lot of stores all over the world. Through the years
Louboutin expanded his fashion range to bags and men shoes as well as made a
beauty range of lipsticks, lip laquers and nail polishes with quite a statement
packagings. Today Louboutins range all the way from $400 to $6000 per pair and
are often worn by some of the biggest celebrities today, in fact, I can't think
of a famous female person who doesn't own a pair of this red soled beauties. All
I can say for last is: keep up the good work Mr. Louboutin!
Njegova karijera još
uvijek konstantno raste i sada je vjerojatno najpoznatiji dizajner cipela na
cijelom svijetu sa mnogo dućana otvorenih diljem svijeta. Tijekom godina proširio
je svoju ponudu i na torbe te cipele za muškarce, ali i na kozmetičku kolekciju
u čijoj su ponudi trenutno ruževi, tekući ruževi i lakovi za nokte upečatljivih
pakiranja. Danas se cijena Louboutanki kreće od $400 pa sve do $6000 za par i
vrlo ih često nose neke od najvećih zvijezda današnjice, zapravo, mislim da se
ne mogu sjetiti niti jedne poznate ženske osobe koja ne posjeduje par ovih
ljepotica crvenih potplata. Sve što mogu reći za kraj je: nastavite dobar posao
G. Louboutin!
How do you like this
story? I find it very interesting, inspring and incredible all at the same
time. Also let me know how do you like the idea of 'Designer Focus' series.
Story of which designer would you like to hear next?
Kako vam se sviđa ova
priča? Meni je i jako zanimljva, inspirirajuća i nevjerojatna u isto vrijeme.
Recite me što mislite o ideji 'Designer Focus' postova kao jednoj seriji
postova. Priču kojeg dizajnera biste htjeli čuti sljedeću?
Photos source:
Hi everyone! A few months
ago in my monthly favorite post one of my monthly favorites from beauty
categorie was this hair oil. Ever since I wanted to do a review on it. I think
it's quite an interesting product so here it is today- a long awaited review.
Body lotions are one of my favorite beauty products to try out and use so I always have some new ones in backup waiting for testing. As you already know I am a big fan of Ziaja micellar water so when I got this two body lotions I was very excited to try them out. I ended up really liking them but more about that in this post.
Finallly! A long awaited giveaway is here! I've
promised you giveaway all the way back in april when my blog celebrated third birthday.
So this giveaway is to celebrate wonderful three years of blogging and to say
thank you to all of you guys who are supporting me trough my blogging
adventures + blog hit 60 000+ page views just about a few days ago so there is
one more reason to celebrate. :) Of course I need to give you guys a little
disclaimer: you can participate ONLY if you live in Croatia so according to
that all the rest of this blog post will be in croatian. I hope I'll be able to
make some internationaly opened giveaways in the near future but currently I
unfortunately can't.
Hello everyone! Hope you
are enjoying this hot summer days by the beach or the pool with your favorite
cold drink and good company. Today I was inspired by Adore Me to share with you my beach day must haves. In case you've never
heard of Adore Me before it is a gorgeous brand of womens lingerie, sleepwear, swimwear
etc. I found out about them just about a year ago and was (and still am) a huge
fan ever since. I am pretty sure every woman can there find something for herself
so definitely check them out.
About a year ago Biobaza came out with a new parsely
skincare line and I just I had to get my hands on it. I decided to try out the
Anti-oxidant fluid because in the past year or so I've been really into trying
out new serums and serumish products. After a long time of tyring out this
fluid and hearing so much mixed feelings and opinions on it I am now sharing my
If you follow my blog for a little while now you know
that every season I like to write a blog post were I round up all the fashion
trends for upcoming season. So here I am today writing another one of this.
This time including all the hot fashion trends for summer 2016. Hope you enjoy!
Hello everyone! I haven't done a DIY post in a while.
Also, I love trying out new homemade skincare, haircare, etc. goodies so today
I am going to show you three super simple recipies to make your very own face,
lips and body scrub. This are also scrubs that I use in my skincare routine for
quite a while now. I use them once to twice a week and love them. You're going
to need just a few simple ingredients that you probably already have in your
kitchen. So, let's get started! :)
Hello everyone! Hope you're having an amazing day! I am
preparing a skincare routine blog post but, before I publish it I wanted to
write reviews on all of the products I use in my skincare routine so you can
just easily go ahead and read something more about certain product if
interested. Some of those products are already reviewed and today it's time for
me to share my thoughts on this Avon facial cream that is also a part of my
skincare routine.
A few months ago I came across Miomare (Lidl brand) makeup brushes at
one of the Lidl supermarkets. I couldn't pass on them because: a) I am a total
makeup brushes junike and b) you can never not even than have enough makeup
brushes. I didn't have any expectations but they pleasently surprised me. Here
is a little more about them...
I can't believe it's April
already! March passed by so quickly for me. A lot of good and a lot of bad
things happened to me in March but keeping the positive spirit is something
that really helps me deal with some tough situations. Today, after a long time,
I am sharing with you my favorite things of the past month. Usually I would
write ''Monthly favorites'' featuring just beauty products but I figured out it
would be way more fun to include some other favorites of mine. That's way from
now on ''Monthly favorites'' posts are going to feature my favorite movie,
music, TV show, book, beauty products, fashion, food and some other random
favorites of the month. This way it's way more fun for writing and hopefully
for reading as well. :)
A few weeks ago I wrote a review on first Ziaja
product I've every tryed- Ziaja Micellar Water and as you already know, I love
it! I am just getting to know Ziaja products a bit better and all I can say is-
so far so good. Todays review is dedicated to one Ziaja product that very soon
became a part of my daily skincare routine. Enjoy!
While I was going through photos for upcoming blog posts I came across this photos that I've took past summer. I was planning on writing what's in my travel beauty bags post but apparently I forgot. Since I am happy with how this photos turned out I've decided to write this blog post anyways and I also love writing this type of posts so why not. :)
A few days ago I did a little bit of shopping in some drugstores. I was very determinant to take only the things that were on my shopping list and I managed to do it (which is of course never the case :D). *pat on the back*
I bought only a few smaller things but I wanted to share this little new in with you anyways so I hope you enjoy it.
Lately I've been really into skincare. I've tryed out some new products, reorganized my skincare routine and I am currently very happy with it. One of the new products in my skincare routine is Ziaja Micellar Water that I am going to write more about in this post. This is also first Ziaja product I've tryed so far and I have to say I am quite impressed.
Every time I go to Dm drugstore and walk down the ''body care'' isle I always stop next to Balea products. Cute packagings and amazing smells are the first thing that catches my attention when it comes to Balea products. I've tryed a lot of their bodylotions and so far I loved all of them, this one wasn't acception.
Every season brings something special with it one of the things being fashion trends. This winter a lot of gorgeous fashion trends appeared and that is something that inspired me to make a post about must have fashion items for this winter. I really do think that this are still gonna be trendy for a very long time after this winter so they are basically a perfect things to have in your closet.
In my last post I've presented you new Essence products for spring/summer 2016. Today I've prepared same typed post but featuring new Catrice products. In comments below let me know which new products are you more looking forward to- Essence or Catrice.